Tsuzuru ‘Tomono-kai’ membership
We are looking for ‘Tomono-kai’ members, who will work together with us to think about and use empty houses. Members can freely use the common facilities managed by Tsuzuru (*) and can share their opinions and make decisions on how to plan events and utilize empty houses.
We are looking forward to welcoming individuals who share our interests and are eager to actively participate in our activities.
- o1
- 会員制コミュニティに参加
- o2
- 会員専用LINEグループで空き家の活用方法・運営・イベントについて意見交換
- o3
- エリア内の共用施設をいつでも使用可能 ※専有する場合は別途レンタル料等が必要
- o4
- イベント参加費が無料または割引
- o5
- イベントアーカイブが視聴可能
- o1
- Participation in the members-only community
- o2
- Sharing ideas on how to utilize empty houses, management, and events in the members-only chat group on LINE
- o3
- Use of common facilities in the area at any time *additional rental fees are required for the exclusive use of facilities
- o4
- Free or discounted event participation fees
- o5
- Access to event archives
会費 Membership monthly fee
- 一般会員 General member
- 月額会費 ¥5,000
- U35会員 Under 35 years old (35歳以下の一般会員)
- 月額会費 ¥3,000
- 法人会員 Corporate member
- 月額会費 ¥10,000
- ◯ 入会金は不要です。
- ◯ 会費は翌月分を毎月26日にクレジットカードもしくは口座振替(※)にて決済させていただきます。月の途中の入会の場合は、当月会費は日割となります。※口座振替をご希望の場合は振替口座登録に対し、登録料500円(税抜)が発生いたします。また、一部金融機関の口座や法人口座ではご登録ができません。
- ◯ 退会される場合は、退会希望月の前々月末までにメールにてお申し出ください。お申し出がない場合は、自動更新となります。
How to Apply
Shared properties
01 イクヤマ家
01 Ikuyama House
Located in a narrow alleyway, Ikuyama House, has a tiled kitchen counter and a tatami living space that retains the atmosphere of the Showa period, and is a place where Tsuzuru ‘Tomono-kai’ members can freely relax or work. Talk events and dinner parties are also held here. The kitchen can also be rented by non-members.
Facilities: kitchen, toilet, bath, refrigerator, washing machine, table, bedding, tableware, wifi
02 角の家
02 Kado House
We are currently discussing potential uses with Tsuzuru ‘Tomono-kai’ members.
The opening is scheduled for the end of 2024.