


We, Tsuzuru, are exploring various initiatives in Kikugawa, nestled in the heart of Kanazawa city. Surrounded by people, residences, and nature, we are utilizing empty houses, often overlooked in the real estate market, as our platform for creativity.

In the feudal era, Kikugawa boasted many samurai residences, leaving behind narrow alleys and tightly packed wooden houses. Recently, as residents have aged, empty houses have become more noticeable. However, for us, Kikugawa is full of charm and potential. From the seasonal beauty of the Saigawa riverbed to the serene flow of ‘kuratsuki’ waterways between the houses, and the natural conversations that unfold among residents, there's so much to appreciate. We see these empty houses as valuable "local resources" and aim to revitalize the area through innovative ideas. Our goal is to enhance Kikugawa's value and foster a small but sustainable community.

Before modernization, there was a system in which locals shared the use of communal forests and grassy fields called ‘iriaichi’, where they obtained firewood and charcoal, fertilizer, and thatch for roofing. We're bringing this concept into the modern era by transforming scattered empty houses and lots across Kikugawa into shared facilities for local residents and members. These include a shared kitchen, a co-working space, a library, an artist studio, a gallery, a mini garden, and shared parking. Our goal is to decrease the number of neglected empty houses and foster a vibrant local community where people can connect across generations and fields, supporting each other while sharing the tangible and intangible products generated from this process.


With the support of Kanazawa City, Tsuzuru is part of the "Kanazawa City Community Collaboration Project for Utilization of Empty Houses." This initiative aims to revitalize the local community by repurposing empty houses and sites. Under this project, the owner leases the empty house for a five-year period. Tsuzuru takes care of the construction costs and general management required for utilizing the house as a hub for community activities. Owners won't bear the burden of maintenance and preservation, allowing them to contribute to the community without worry. After consulting with the owner, Tsuzuru and Kanazawa City will finalize an agreement on usage terms and conditions. Extensions or contract changes are possible after the initial five-year period. If you own a empty house in the Kikugawa area of Kanazawa City, please feel free to reach out to us for more information.

特定非営利活動法人 綴る(つづる)
〒920-0967 石川県金沢市菊川2丁目19-6
乘越もえぎ/頼安ブルノ礼市/安田奈央/ニック ヴァン デル ギーセン

Organization: Tsuzuru (non-profit organization)
Address: 2-19-6 Kikugawa, Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, 920-0967, Japan
Established: September 2023

Founding members:
Yuumi Matsumoto, Shu Yamamoto, Akane Nakamori, Shigehiko Yamada, Kenro Izu, Minori Kasahara, Katsutaka Shibahara, Genjiro Jinno, Moegi Norigoe, Reiichi Bruno Yoriyasu, Nao Yasuta, Nik van der Giesen